domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


Una crónica es una obra literaria que narra hechos históricos en orden cronológico. La palabra crónica viene del latín chronica, que a su vez se deriva del griegokronika biblios, es decir, libros que siguen el orden del tiempo. En una crónica los hechos se narran según el orden temporal en que ocurrieron, a menudo por testigos presenciales o contemporáneos, ya sea en primera o en tercera persona.
Se entiende por crónica la historia detallada de un país o región, de una localidad, de una época o de un hombre, o de un acontecimiento en general, escrita por un testigo ocular o por un contemporáneo que ha registrado sin comentarios todos los pormenores que ha visto, y aún todos los que le han sido transmitidos. Tales son por ejemplo, las crónicas latinas de Flodoart, canónigo de Reims, y de Guillermo de Naugis y las crónicas francesas de Froissart y de Monstrelet. De todos los países europeos acaso los más ricos en crónicas sean Francia, España, Italia e Inglaterra.
En la crónica se utiliza un lenguaje sencillo, directo, muy personal y admite un lenguaje literario con uso reiterativo de adjetivos para hacer énfasis en las descripciones. Emplea verbos de acción y presenta referencias de espacio y tiempo. .
Las crónicas son también un género periodístico. Se las clasifica como "amarillas" o "blancas" según su contenido. Las "amarillas" tienen material más subjetivo y generalmente la voz autorizada es una persona o ciudadano común; las "blancas" usan material más objetivo y la voz autorizada es, generalmente, la autoridad, un profesional, etc.
la finalidad intrínseca de la crónica es contar una historia de la mejor ( la única) manera posible. La finalidad con textual, hoy, es volver a hacer de la práctica periodística un oficio inteligente, digno y verdadera mente profesional y comprometido.

 A Yape Eugenio: (misiones de casanare. Boletín de historia y antigüedades). Alamo Ibara C: ( el meta sus llanos y comercio). Cobos María Teresa: ( bibliografía sobre los llanos orientales).

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Nació en Barrancabermeja, Colombia, el 20 de Abril 1998, en un hogar conformado por sus padres y 2 hermanos.
Su Madre se llama Ziomara Perez ella es ama de casa; Su padre se llama Jaime Jimenez trabaja en Coopertol de Mensajero.
Realizo sus estudios de primaria en el Castillo sede B y actualmente está estudiando su secundaria en la Escuela Normal Superior Cristo Rey , en la que está cursando el grado de octavo cuatro.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


sunday1, 2010 Sunday

I went out with my friends for a ride
My mom hiso chicken stew
My cousin came to visit
We left the family to eat ice cream
My uncle came to visit and stayed to eat

Monday 2 August 2010
I got up at 4:40 for school
I made an evaluation of education and remove 45
I went to party with my friends
tleft school at 1:00 pm and I
bought an ice cream

When I got home I stopped tasks

Tuesday August 3, 2010
I got up at 4:50 for school
The dance teacher will teach us to dance joropo
I went to party with my friends
I sat talking to my friend Karina on stairs
I arrive home at 1:00 pm

wednesday august 4 2010
5:40 a.m. I got up late to go to study
Spanish teacher made us put a stamp on me to see the task echo
I left the school at 1:00 and arrives late to the minibus that almost did not pass
I got homework
I saw the novel

Thursday August 5, 2010
I got up at 5:00 am par air to School
The neighbor Ramon took me in the car to school
In math class left us a workshop
I went to watch the game with my friends
I left at 1:00 pm and I bought an ice cream

Friday August 6, 2010
I got up at 5:00 am for school
The educational workshop teacher will teach us to sew
I went to watch the game and have lunch with my friends
I left at 1:00 pm, and I bought an ice cream
When you get to my house I started to watch TV and eat lunch

Saturday August 7, 2010
I got up at 9:00 am
I got to be the cleanliness of my house
At night I went to eat my friends

I enter my house at 11:00 pm
I started to watch TV until 1:00 am

Sunday August 8, 2010
I got up at 8:00 a.m.
I did the toilet in my house
I got to be the work from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
My cousin came to visit to stay two days
Went for a ride with my friends (a) and my cousin

Monday August 9, 2010
I got up at 5:00 am to go study
The ethical teacher told us to do a frieze of the little prince
I went to watch the football with some friends
I left the school to 1:0 pm
When you get to my house I began to be tasks

Tuesday August 10, 2010
I got up at 5:00 am for school
he took me to the nearby school Ramón
The dance teacher made us practice to dance joropo
I went to watch the game with my friends
I left school at 1:00 pm

Wednesday 11 August 2010 d
I woke up at 5:00 am for school
Ramón neighbor took me to school
the physical education teacher was teaching us to throw the ball
I went out with my friends to play
I left the school at 1:00 pm

Thursday August 12
Levant me at 5:00 am
English teacher left us a reading
I went out with my friends to watch the game
I left at 1:00 pm
when I get home I put careless tasks

Friday August 13, 2010
5:00 am I levant
the ramon, citizen carrying off to school me
pedagogical workshop teacher told me how he had to threading
I went out with my friends to watch the game
mesentery on the stairs talking to my friend karina

Saturday August 14, 2010
Levant me at 7:00 am
my dad carrying off an event of the cooperative
when I was in the event that we liked ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENT
the event we left at 4:00 pm
I left when I get a ride with my friends

Monday August 15, 2010

I woke up at 7:00 am
had headache and did not go to class
I started to watch TV
I started doing homework
Take me to bed at 8:00 pm